Holography is considered as one of the most remarkable discoveries in modern times. Nevertheless for its first decades it seems to be getting forgotten.

Originally stepped up back at the end of the 1940s to improve electron microscopy, it can not fulfill this function and the wish of its discoverer hungarian-british physicist Dennis Gábor. Due to sources of pure coherent light, which are indispensable for optical holography, being not yet available, not even Gábor himself can locate a field of application for this phenomenon. He can neither recognize at that point of time the meaning and the potential of his discovery and with it the influence this new medium would have on our daily lives one day. Nor can he imagine the plenty of phantasms emerging from this phenomenen. Phantasms, which seem to be mostly one step ahead of applied holography.

With the discovery of laser light at the beginning of the 1960s, for the first time ever it becomes possible to record and reconstruct a real three-dimensional image of an object. What once simply starts as a little rainbow coloured picture of a toy train, today finds its applications in a vast variety of different optical and acoustical fields.

It is as remarkable as the phenomenon of holography itself, that it could never prevail as a popular medium like movie, TV, radio, the internet, print media, etc. Especially when keeping in mind all the phantasmatic stories which emerge from this medium. A lot of dreams, hopes and promises that holography never made by itself, but some of them is trying to keep.

blog.holographie.eu accompanies my scientific work on holography, which would like to give holography an attention, that elsewhere is mostly refused to it. It is of course initially interested in based techniques and technologies of holography and how it works. Moreover it is also interested in these upcoming phantasms and their stories arising from possible abilities of holography. Especially against the backdrop of holography seems to be reaching a point, where its possibilities and abilities catch phantasms.

This blog would like to serve as a sketch book for unprotected ideas, of which some maybe become expanded, while others are not haunted any further, but wants to be told and should not be unmentioned forgotten.

please visit also www.holographie.eu


Wild Palms

"Is it real or is it Mimecom?

Wild Palms is a six hour US TV mini series from 1993 produced among others by Oliver Stone. This vision of futuristic TV describes an eraly form of CyberTV and is about virtual television, cravings of power of a media tycoon, phantasies of immortality and a dark picture of the near future.

Set in Los Angeles in 2007, Senator Tony Kreutzer among others is founder and head of the Church of Synthiotics, a sect that believes in a religion of New Reality. To these techno shamans there is more than just one reality.

"This religion is based on the postmodern notion that reality is relative and provisional. Recognizing that what we normally think of as 'reality' is to a certain extent an artificial construct, the New Realists take the next step and decide to attempt literally to generate an alternative reality that is more to their liking. In particular Kreutzer and his cronies are heavily involved in researching computer-generated virtual-reality, a technology that [...] will allow the creation of a 'new improved reality controlled by Mimecom and sold straight out of 7-11'"

Building up media empire Wild Palms Network (WPN) and developing new technology Mimecom for holographic television should smooth the way to world domination by brain washing viewers.

Senator Tony Kreutzer presenting Mimecom

TV Channel Three opens the age of holographic television. TV series Church Windows should bring synthetic holograms right into the living rooms.

Recording an episode of Chruch Windows

All what is needed to watch Church Windows and to become part of the illusion of the new TV format is a little adapter that is put on top of the TV set to generate three-dimensional holograms of the actors.

Watching Church Windows

Mimecom is supported by drug Mimezine, which is an empathigen developed by neuropharmacologists affecting a couple of minutes the cerebral cortex and generating the illusion of touch and enabling the interaction with the virtual hologram.


Experiencing the New Realism is possible without any obstructing devices like data helmets or holo spectacles.

Even if there isn't a drug developed yet to experience a holographic generated virtual-reality, but there are technologies yet in progress to make holograms touchable with no other disturbing devices needed.

Wild Palms is produced exactly 30 years afters the development of the laser and the following explosion of interest in holography. One of the entries to come would like to introduce an earlier idea of virtual-reality by showing a scene from 1966 movie Fahrenheit 451.



The term LASER is an acronym for Light amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation and describes a physical principle of optical amplification; not the device itself, even the term commonly has to serve as a description for the device.

There is a whole bunch of different lasers: gas laser, solid-state laser, dye laser, semiconductor laser, excimer laser, lasers for every visible colour of light, for ultra-viloet and infra-red light, laser for continuos operation and impulse laser (generates short light impulses, like flashlight). Even not each of the lasers is suitable for making holograms, they all have one thing in common: they generate coherent light, with radiation, behaving as going out from one single point. Vice versa the light rays can be concentrated back to one single point.

In holography usually Helium-Neon gas lasers (He-Ne) are used. The are quite cheap and easy to use. Its mechanics should be should be explained here.
He-Ne lasers consist of a glass tube, which is filled with a mixture of Helium and Neon under low pressure. The tube is sealed. On both transparent ends is a mirror attached. One reflecting light 100% and one reflecting light 98%. First the Helium atoms gets stimulated by energy input. They bump into the Neon atoms. Thereby they get transferred into a higher energy state. When falling back into their previous energy state, they set photons free. These photons stimulate surrounding atoms, and so forth. The emerged light begins to move between the two mirrors back and forth. For the two mirrors are fitted exactly many times over the wave length off each other, the amplitudes adds form wave to wave and amplifies. Finally light becomes so bright, that it passes out as coherent light the laser on that side with 98% reflecting mirror.

Fig. Gas laser

Gasentladungsröhre: Glass tube
Spiegel: Mirror
halbdurchlässiger Spiegel: transparent Mirror
Spannungsquelle: voltage source
Laserlichtbündel: bunch of laser light

5th June: 110th birthday of Dennis Gábor

Due to a lot of work on the issue of holography, Dennis Gábor's birthday completely slipped this blog's mind. Even a tad too late, this should not stay unmentioned.

Born 5th June 1900 in Budapest as a son of jewish parents, Dennis Gábor (hung. Gábor Dénes) passes a study of electrical engineering at Budapesti Műszaki és Gazdaságtudományi Egyetem (TUB) in 1920, that he continues from 1921-1924 at Technische Hochschule in Berlin Charlottenburg. Three years later he takes a doctoral degree - thesis: Oszillographieren von Wanderwellen mit dem Kathodenoszillographen. After getting his PhD, Gábor works at Siemens & Halske AG on his invention of high pressure mercury quartz lamp. Because of his jewish roots, in 1933 he emigrates to England, where he gets the british citizenship and works for Thomson-Houston. 1947/1948 he discovers the principle of holography - at that time called wavefront reconstruction. In 1949 he joins the Imperial Collage of Science & Technology in London. First as a reader of Electronics, later as a Professor of Applied Electron Physics, where is stays until his retirement in 1967. He stays connected as a Senior Research Fellow and becomes a Staff Scientist at CBS Laboratories, where he collaborates with his life-long friend Dr. Peter C. Goldmark in new schemes of communication and display.

Since 1958 Gábor spends much time on a new interest of his: the future of our industrial civilization. His conviction "[...] that a serious mismatch has developed between technology and our social institutions and that inventive minds ought to consider social inventions as their first priority [...]" finds its expression in is three books: Inventing the future (1963), Innovations (1970), and The mature society (1972).

In 1971 Dennis Gábor gets honoured with the Nobel Price in Physics for his invention and development of the holographic method.

8th February 1979 he dies in London.

"You can't predict the future, but you can invent it." (Dennis Gábor)



Besides interference is diffraction the second particular property of the wave nature of light.

Francesco Grimaldi reports in one of his books - published two years after his death - about strange rims of shadows. He observes objects standing in the sun not casting sharp defined shadows. Instead he observes gradual transitions from bright to dark.

"Grimaldi benannte dieses Phänomen des Lichts nach dem lateinischen Wort >diffractio<. Newton, der diesen Vorgang später ebenfalls entdeckte, bezeichnete ihn als >inflection<, was ins Deutsche mit >Beugung< übersetzt werden kann. Diese Bezeichnung deutet bereits darauf hin, daß Lichtstrahlen sich offensichtlich nicht nur gradlinig bewegen, sondern an den Rändern von Objekten aus ihrer Richtung abgelenkt und gebeugt werden."

[Grimaldi named this phenomenon of light after Latin word >diffraction<. Newton, who observed this occurrence too, named it >inflection<. This term already indicates, light rays obviously not move in straight lines , but become diverted and bent at the edges of objects.]

Thereby his observation contradicts that time's assumption of a straight-line propagation of light.

(a) (b) (c)

Fig. Light diffraction

Grimaldi's observation can be explained as followed:
Light impinging onto an object's surface - respectively passing an aperture - is expected to behave as in (a). But it does not. An object's edge - respectively an aperture - works as a point source for a series of elementary waves which, because of diffraction, get bent. The smaller the aperture, the greater light diffraction (compare b and c). Occurring wave fronts superimpose, interfere and consolidate, respectively delete each other. As a result gradual transitions occur. Augustin Fresnel formulates:

"[...] jeder Punkt, der von einer Welle getroffen wird, ist Ausgangspunkt einer kugelförmigen Elementarwelle."

[...every point getting hit by a wave, is the origin of a spherical elementary wave."

He succeeds in proofing light diffraction by his experiment of Fresnel zonen plate.

Fig. Fresnel zone plate

With his discovery Fresnel brings final evidence for validity of wave theory of light.



An Interference pattern can not be generated by random light source. Ordered conditions of illumination are needed.

To illustrate this, the example of two stones in entry on interference hitting the surface of the water should assist once again. A constant pattern solely occurs under the condition of synchronization and phasing. For the stones wouldn't hit the water simultaneously or for several stones would hit the water uncontrolled, of course wave fronts would meet and join to a new wave front, but this one wouldn't be constant. This behaviour of waves goes for both, water and light waves.

Viewing figures Partition of white light into different-coloured spectra by prism and Wave lengths of visible light against this backdrop, it becomes obvious that sun light or the light of a candle or an ordinary lamp - like any other light occurring in nature - is just very limited or even not at all suitable to generate constant interference pattern. All these lights consist of several light colours with several different wave lengths. There are superpositions, but they are high complex and chaotic, that no observable interference pattern could be generated with it.

This special property light has to have to generate such an interference pattern is called coherence. Coherent light is ordered and sorted light, which does not propagate in all directions in space, but in just one direction and that consists of waves with just one wave length, i. e. which is monochromatic. As yet is the laser the only source of coherent light.



Interference describes the phenomenon of two waves superimposing (both light, sound and water). It is one of two properties featuring the wave nature of light.

To illustrate and for better understanding, the example of a stone hitting the surface of water should be used again (see Fig. Propagation of water waves outgoing from a point source). With one difference. Two stones now hit the surface of the water - simultaneously and with exact regularity - and cause oscillations. From each point source, where the stone hits the water, wave fronts propagate, which meet and join to a new wave front, that is different from the original two wave fronts. At this point the following phenomenon of behaviour of the two wave fronts can be observed:

When two wave crests meet, they intensify each other and the new wave front is an addition of the two original ones. The same happens when to wave valleys meet. This phenomenon is called constructive interference.

Fig. constructive interference

Both shown waves move parallel to each other. They are in phase. "Auf Lichtwellen bezogen bedeitet das: Licht + Licht = starkes Licht (das ist kein besonders überraschendes Ergebnis)."
[Related to lightwaves this means: light + light = bright light (not a very surprising result)]

But if now a wave crest meet a wave valley, they delete each other - destructive interference.

Fig. destructive interference

Both waves are out of phase. This leads to a strange curiosity: "Licht + Licht = Dunkelheit (das ist auf den ersten Blick sicher überraschend."
[Light + light = darkness (very surprising result)]

Between these above shown extremes, there are of course all possible intermediate stages, depending on the rate of phase difference.

Thomas Young succeeds in about 1800 to proof phenomenon of interference by his double slit experiment.

Fig. Double slit experiment

In a darkened room Young lets light rays pass first a single slit and than a double slit positioned behind. On a projection surface installed behind the double slit appears an interference pattern of superimposing wave fronts as bright and dark stripes.

Fig. Interference pattern

The bright and dark stripes can be explained by phenomena of constructive and destructive interference.

Holography avails itself among others of this phenomenon of interference and works by the same principle. As to be shown in coming entries, holography records the pattern of superimposing lightwaves.



The different coloured lightwaves introduced in previous entry Wave length are just a small part of an array of electromagnetic waves, traveling through the universe.

Fig. Array of electromagnetic waves

As both figures Array of electromagnetic waves and Wave lengths of visible light show, all of these rays have got different wave lengths. Therefore they need varyingly much time to pass a complete cycle. The measure for the velocity (C) a light photon passes one cycle is the frequency.
The frequency of light is about 400-800 trillion (1015) wave crests per second. Because light - regardless its colour - has got a constant velocity results: The shorter the wave length, the higher the frequency.
In the span of time, a red light wave in figure Wave length of visible light needs to pass one cycle, a violet light wave can do twice.
Mathematically formulated:

C = λν

"Wellenlänge [λ] multipliziert mit der Frequenz [ν] ist gleich Geschwindigkeit [C]. Da die Geschwindigkeit eine feste Größe ist, muß es die Relation zwischen Frequenz [ν] und Wellenlänge [λ] auch sein.

[Wave length [λ] multiplied by frequency [ν] equals velocity [C]. Because velocity is constant, the ratio between frequency [ν] and wave length [λ] has to be as well]

The entry about wave length opens with the observation, that the wave length defines the colour of light. As shown, the wave length correlates with the frequency. Simultaneously arising thereby:

"[...] alles Licht ist die gleiche Energie und die unterschiedlichen Farben hängen von der geschwindigkeit ab, in der sich diese Energie an- und abschaltet."

[All light is of equal energy and the different colours depend on the different velocity, in which this energy is switching on and off]

Wave length

The wave length λ (in nanometer - nm) defines the colour of light. The relation between colour of light and wave length is similar to the relation between intensity of light and amplitude. Therefore different colours of light do have different wave lengths. The human eye can perceive light with a wave length between about 400 nm and 700 nm.

"Lichtquellen, wie die Sonne oder die Glühlampe, senden ein Gemisch aller möglichen Wellenlängen, d. h. Farben aus. Ein derartiges Gemisch von Farben empfinden wir als weißes Licht. Aber selbst, wenn uns Licht einfarbig grün oder rot erscheint, wie etwa das Licht einer Verkehrsampel, enthält es normalerweise noch mehrere, wenn auch nur wenig unterschiedliche Wellenlängen."

[Light sources like the sun or a bulb emit a mixture of all kinds of wave lengths, i. e. colours. Such a mix of colours occurs to the human eye as white light. But even light occurs plain green or red - like light from a traffic light - it normally contains several (although few) different wave lengths.]

Fig. Partition of white light into different-coloured spectra by prism

As the first ever Newton carries out a test as shown in the figure above and publishes his observations in 1704 in his book about optics. About 200 years later physicists like Niels Bohr and Arnold Sommerfeld succeed in assigning different colours of light to different spectral lines with specific wave lengths.

Fig. Wave lengths of visible light

Therefore red light (650 nm, or 6.500 Å - Ångström) is long-wave light, while violet light (430 nm, or 4.300 Å) is short-wave light. Light with a wave length of more than 650 nm is called infra-red. Light with a wave length of less than 430 nm is called ultra-violet. Light of the helium-neon gas laser - which plays an important role later - has got a wave length of 623,8 nm and appears to the human eye as red light.

Every single lightwave illustrated in Fig. Wave lengths of visible light is monochromatic - consists of just one colour of light (respectively has got the same wave length). As coming entries will show, is "[...] monochromatic light [...] of basic importance in holography [...]".

3D holographic telecast - Football World Cup 2022 in Japan

Between some more fundamental and technical entries, here comes another phantasm, because of the topical inducement. It is one of a very ambitious effort.

In ten days South Africa and Mexico kick off the Football World Cup 2010 in Johannesburg.

Back in 1954 the Football World Cup has been broadcasted by TV for the very first time. Football fans all over the world witnesses Germany surprisingly winning the championship in front of their radio or black/white television set.
About 50 years later in 2006, it has become very popular either to watch the games at one of the many public viewing events or a new flat-screen TV. This year adds another innovation. German private sports channel sky for the very first time and as the only german TV station broadcasts all 64 games in real HD. There are also plans by FIFA and sony to broadcast up to 25 games in 3D technology in chosen cities. Chances that this is going to be converted are are not that good at the moment due to insufficient quality.

Obviously the ways to watch sports events has changed and developed and with it of course the demands as well. How does a broadcast of sports events look next? According to the current variety and huge success of 3D movies like Avatar, Up, A Christmas Carol, Alice in Wonderland, Toy Story 3, Tron (beginning 2011) - just to name a view - and actual efforts by FIFA and sony, the answer could be: Watching next WC 2014 in Brazil in 3D.

And here is, what it could look like after next:
For the case Japan is chosen by FIFA on 2nd December this year as the host of the 2022 World Cup edition, it promises an ultra-realistic live 3D telecast of the matches. Therefore 200 high-definition cameras should capture the players on the field from 360 degrees. Additional to that microphones should be installed below the bitch for creating an ultra-realistc digital version. This futuristic phantasm should be powered partly by electricity generated by spectators stamping their feet and partly by solar panels.

"You may think that the technologies you see are like something from a science fiction film, but we have several phases and we have 12 years to realize these technologies. We have to develop the technology alongside human being so of course we face a big challange, but we have already finished the research phase and by 2016 we will be able to realize these technologies for use. We are very confident that we will be ready by 2022."
(Jun Murai, professor at University of Keio and director of technology)

The captured images should be transmitted as three-dimensional images and shown on giant screens in about 400 selected stadiums in FIFA's 208 member countries. Or, if technological advances in coming years allow, the images should be projected right onto the pitch, so that some 360 million attendees get the illusion of viewing a real match.

In 2006 estimated about 18 million people attended official public viewing events. "Weenvisage public viewing at stadiums, increasing the attendance by tens of time." (Makato Maruyama, director of operations at the Japan bid committee)

This of course is a really fantastic vision. But it isn't less remarkable, that a completely other technology takes holography as a paragon and mimics it. It pretends to project holographic images, which it does not. One feature of a hologram is, that it provides an image that can be viewed from an infinite possible angle. A 360 degrees image even taken by 200 cameras can not. Anyway how many cameras there are, there is always an angle missing. So this technology does not provide a holistic image. It occurs, that in public and general perception terms like holography or hologram are very close connected with 3D.
