Holography is considered as one of the most remarkable discoveries in modern times. Nevertheless for its first decades it seems to be getting forgotten.

Originally stepped up back at the end of the 1940s to improve electron microscopy, it can not fulfill this function and the wish of its discoverer hungarian-british physicist Dennis Gábor. Due to sources of pure coherent light, which are indispensable for optical holography, being not yet available, not even Gábor himself can locate a field of application for this phenomenon. He can neither recognize at that point of time the meaning and the potential of his discovery and with it the influence this new medium would have on our daily lives one day. Nor can he imagine the plenty of phantasms emerging from this phenomenen. Phantasms, which seem to be mostly one step ahead of applied holography.

With the discovery of laser light at the beginning of the 1960s, for the first time ever it becomes possible to record and reconstruct a real three-dimensional image of an object. What once simply starts as a little rainbow coloured picture of a toy train, today finds its applications in a vast variety of different optical and acoustical fields.

It is as remarkable as the phenomenon of holography itself, that it could never prevail as a popular medium like movie, TV, radio, the internet, print media, etc. Especially when keeping in mind all the phantasmatic stories which emerge from this medium. A lot of dreams, hopes and promises that holography never made by itself, but some of them is trying to keep.

blog.holographie.eu accompanies my scientific work on holography, which would like to give holography an attention, that elsewhere is mostly refused to it. It is of course initially interested in based techniques and technologies of holography and how it works. Moreover it is also interested in these upcoming phantasms and their stories arising from possible abilities of holography. Especially against the backdrop of holography seems to be reaching a point, where its possibilities and abilities catch phantasms.

This blog would like to serve as a sketch book for unprotected ideas, of which some maybe become expanded, while others are not haunted any further, but wants to be told and should not be unmentioned forgotten.

please visit also www.holographie.eu



The amplitude Ê is a measure for the intensity (brightness) of light. For from a graphical point of view the amplitude describes the height of a wave crest, respectively the depth of a wave valley, measured from an imaginary horizontal line running right through a sinusoidal curve, light with a large amplitude is bright light, while darker light has got smaller amplitude.

"Die Amplitude einer Schreibtischlampe ist größer als die einer Streichholzflamme, die Amplitude des Sonnenlichts wiederum größer als diese beiden.
Mit der Entfernung ändert sich die Amplitude des Lichts. Nahe bei seiner Quelle ist das Lichts stärker und wird immer schwächer, je weiter es sich davon entfernt. Das erklärt sich durch die Tatsache, daß sich Licht auf seiner Reise ausbreitet. Die Energie einer ganzen Wellenfront bleibt zwar gleich, aber die Intensität wird geringer, da die Front eine größere Fläche abdeckt. Sind wir z. B. doppelt so weit von der Lichtquelle entfernt, als vorher, beträgt die Intensität nur noch ein Viertel."

[The amplitude of a desk lamp ist larger than the amplitude of a match's flame. The amplitude of sunlight is larger than both of them.
The amplitude of light changes with the distance. Close to its source light is stronger and gets weaker the farther it removes. This circumstance is explained by the fact that light propagates on its journey. The energy of all of a wave front remains the same, but the intensity gets smaller, for the front covers a larger area. For light departs twice the distance from its source, its intensity amounts just a quarter.]

Referred to the graphical illustration of the sinusoidal curve this means: "[...] if one wave has twice the amplitude of another, the first light has four times the intensity of the second."

"Das ist das Gesetz vom inversen Abstandsquadrat, welches besagt, daß die Lichtintensität umgekehrt proportional zum Quadrat der Entfernung abnimmt. Bei dreifacher Distanz beträgt die Intensität also nur noch ein Neuntel."

[This is the law of inverse square of the distance, which says, that light intensity declines inverse proportional to the square of the distance.]

Fig. Law of inverse proportional light intensity

The following figure would like to illustrate the above described:

Fig. Intensities of different light waves

The waves in (a) and (b) have got the same wave length, but the light in (a) is more intense (brighter) than in (b) - (a) has got a larger amplitude than (b). The ratio between these to waves is about 2:1. Therefore light (a) is four times (2²) brighter than light (b). (c) has got he same intensity as (b), but a larger wave length. (d) again has got the same intensity as (b), but a shorter wave length.

The sinusoidal is therefore a graphical illustration of intensity variation of the energy of light, that travels as a particle photon wave-like through space and time.

Fig. Light photon passes two cycles

It passes a whole cycle, starting at »off« (zero point), passing »on« (wave crest), back to »off« (zero point), passing »on« (wave valley), and back to »off« (zero point).

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