The website wants to be freely accessible laboratory for unprotected ideas and all sides visible and passable exhibition room of holographic knowledge, that should be made available for free, for also non commercial purposes and for creation of further knowledge. It is also repository for artefacts and fragments - of intellectual, technical, literarily and filmic kind.
Because of examination reasons and final work on the site, its launch has to be postponed. This blog, twitter and facebook informs about the publication at the appropriate time.
Due to an international interest on this blog is going to be published in a german and an english version as well. is a dynamic website, that should be updated frequently to the standard of knowledge.
Until now the following parts are almost finished:
- ideas of light (form ancient times to a wave theory of light)
- wave nature of light (amplitude, wave length, frequency, features: interference / coherence and diffraction)
- laser
- Dennis Gábor
- retrospect
- mechanics (recording, reconstruction, side effects: orthoscopic and pseudoscopic image)
- peculiarities (special performances: parallax, redundancy, multiple exposure; underperformances: laboratory conditions, object selection, monochromatic images; va. Photography: lense, depth of focus, film material, resistance, negative image, positive image)
At the moment assembles about 100 snippets taken from more than 50 movies, TV series episodes, music clips, that show a reference to holographie.
- Touchable holography (almost finished)
- Holodeck (work starts in just a few days)
Moreover the following episodes for phantasm part are planned: holographic memory, holographic universe, motion in unmotion, holography in motion pictures.
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