holographie.eu goes online on March 1st 2011 with the following already announced contents:
- ideas of light (form ancient times to a wave theory of light)
- wave nature of light (amplitude, wave length, frequency, features: interference / coherence and diffraction)
- laser
- Dennis Gábor
- retrospect
- mechanics (recording, reconstruction, side effects: orthoscopic and pseudoscopic image)
- peculiarities (special performances: parallax, redundancy, multiple exposure; underperformances: laboratory conditions, object selection, monochromatic images; va. Photography: lense, depth of focus, film material, resistance, negative image, positive image)
- motion pictures
At the moment holographie.eu assembles about 100 snippets taken from more than 50 movies, TV series episodes, music clips, that show a reference to holography.
- Touchable holography
As a dynamic website holographie.eu gets expanded successively to the current standard of knowledge.
blog.holographie.eu, twitter and facebook inform about the release of holographie.eu.