Holography is considered as one of the most remarkable discoveries in modern times. Nevertheless for its first decades it seems to be getting forgotten.

Originally stepped up back at the end of the 1940s to improve electron microscopy, it can not fulfill this function and the wish of its discoverer hungarian-british physicist Dennis Gábor. Due to sources of pure coherent light, which are indispensable for optical holography, being not yet available, not even Gábor himself can locate a field of application for this phenomenon. He can neither recognize at that point of time the meaning and the potential of his discovery and with it the influence this new medium would have on our daily lives one day. Nor can he imagine the plenty of phantasms emerging from this phenomenen. Phantasms, which seem to be mostly one step ahead of applied holography.

With the discovery of laser light at the beginning of the 1960s, for the first time ever it becomes possible to record and reconstruct a real three-dimensional image of an object. What once simply starts as a little rainbow coloured picture of a toy train, today finds its applications in a vast variety of different optical and acoustical fields.

It is as remarkable as the phenomenon of holography itself, that it could never prevail as a popular medium like movie, TV, radio, the internet, print media, etc. Especially when keeping in mind all the phantasmatic stories which emerge from this medium. A lot of dreams, hopes and promises that holography never made by itself, but some of them is trying to keep.

blog.holographie.eu accompanies my scientific work on holography, which would like to give holography an attention, that elsewhere is mostly refused to it. It is of course initially interested in based techniques and technologies of holography and how it works. Moreover it is also interested in these upcoming phantasms and their stories arising from possible abilities of holography. Especially against the backdrop of holography seems to be reaching a point, where its possibilities and abilities catch phantasms.

This blog would like to serve as a sketch book for unprotected ideas, of which some maybe become expanded, while others are not haunted any further, but wants to be told and should not be unmentioned forgotten.

please visit also www.holographie.eu



The Study Holography as phantasm story - A parallax view is now completely published on holographie.eu.

At the moment there is just the german version available as a whole. The english version is going to be completed later.


Star Trek: TNG - Where silence has lease

Worf shows Riker a holographic-klingon fight simulation.

There is als a german version of this entry on holographie.eu.


Star Trek: TNG - The child

The Enterprise takes a sample of a dangerous virus on board. Jordi La Forge develops a special container for a safe transport.

Video: The child

There is also a german version of this entry on holographie.eu.


Star Trek: TNG - We'll always have Paris

The Enterprise is on its journey to planet Sarona VII. After a time warp causes a déjà vu, the Enterprise receives a distress signal from scientific outpost Dr. Paul Manheims on Vandor IV. The Enterprise rescues the scientist and his wife Janice. She is an early love of Picard, who he has left her waiting in vain on a date. For Picard suffers under this incomplete love affair, he meets a holographic projection of Janice in the holodeck. After this attempt of a psychologic therapy fails, he make an appointment with real Janice in the holodeck, to complete the split of the relationship.

There is also a german version of the entry on holographie.eu.


Star Trek: TNG - Skin of evil

Trying to rescue Counselor Troi, who has an accident on planet Vagra II, Tasha Yar gets killed by a black matter. At the end of the episode the crew of the Enterprise gathers in the holodeck for a funeral ceremony, in which she says farewell to each of the crew members.

The holodeck distinguishes between projections of living and dead humans. Tasha Yar‘s projection does not appear as a familia image. Her transparent image reminds more of the appearance of a ghost. For the projection is a recorded message, it stays mysterious, how Tasha knows the position of each person she is talking to.

There is also a german version of this entry on holographie.eu.


Star Trek: TNG - The arsenal of freedom

The Enterprise flies to planet Minos, searching for lost USS Drake. Arriving the planet, that is popular for its arms trade, the crew is being welcomed by a commercial for weapons. Beamed onto the planet, Captain Picard and Dr. Crusher meet a holographic projection of an arms dealer.

There is also a german version of this entry on holographie.eu


Star Trek: TNG - 11001001

To fix the malfunction of the computer from episode The big goodbye, the Enterprise enters Starbasis 74, where two Binars come on board for maintenance work on the central computer. The Binars belong to a race, that lives in complete dependency of computers. They appear just in pairs and communicate in binary language among each others. While the rest of the crew is on shore leave, Riker and Captain Picard enter the holodeck, where they meet attractive Minuet. Jean-Luc Picard and William Riker are delighted by intuition and interaction of generated Minuet. But as it later turns out, she is being programmed by the Binars, to distract Picard and Riker from them hijacking the Enterprise:

Video: 11001001

There is also a german version of this entry on holographie.eu.


Star Trek: TNG - The big goodbye

The Federation wants to establish diplomatic relations to insect Jarada. Picard trys to learn their complicated language to welcome them. He enters the holodeck and immerses into a simulated world of fictive charatcer Dixon Hill to relaxe from exertions caused by his lessons and to advance the learning process by a non-pathologic separation of consciousness.

Captain Picard gives a late explanation of the mechanics and the application of the holodeck.

It is remarkable, that the lipstick in Picard‘s face, that is caused by the kiss of a holographic projection, is still visible after he has left the holodeck.

Captain Picard gives an enthusiastic reports his grew about the exact replica of the real world in the holodeck:

On his second visit Picard is accompanied by Data, historian Whalen and Dr. Crusher. A scan by jaradian space ship causes a malfunction of the holodeck:

The malfunction among others deactivates the security protocol, which protects visitors of the holodeck from deadly injuries. At first Picard, Data, Crusher and Whalen do not recognize the danger. After La Forge and Wesley are able to open the holodeck, gangster Cyrus Redblock and his body guard decide to rob the Enterprise. But trying to leave the holodeck, the get dematerialised:

There is also a german version of this entry on holographie.eu.


Star Trek: TNG - Haven

Deanna Trois mother Lwaxana introduces young man named Wyatt to her daughther, whom she should marry. When meeting her, Wyatt is disappointed, because she is not the woman that appeared in his dreams. Suddenly a terellian vessel appears with a woman on board looking exactly like the woman in his dreams. Deanna is with pleasure willing to resign from the approaching marriage, to make sure she can stay on board of the Enterprise.

William Riker relaxes with a holographic harp play:

Video: Haven

Harp music seems to be a popular way of diversion on the Enterprise. Even Spock plays the vulcan harp in episode Charlie X on Star Trek: The Original Series. Harp music also appears in later episodes and movies of the Star Trek series.

Riker is disappointed, that Deanna Troi, to whom he has a close relationship, is going to leave the Enterprise after her marriage. He backs down to the holodeck. Deanna Troi follows him for a talk:

Video: Haven

The holodeck becomes a place of drawback, sancturary, and debate.

In this snippet the exit stays visible to the visitor as part of the Enterprise. Snippets to come will also show holodecks, in which the exit becomes invisible, and thus the visitor having no more hint of his residence in a simulated and reconstructed surrounding.

There is also a german version of this entry on holographie.eu.


Star Trek: TNG - The last outpost

While the Enterprise chases a Ferengi vessel, who have stolen a T9 energy converter, both space ships get trapped by an energy field in the oribit of an unknown planet, which is an outpost of T‘Kon Empire. The passing vessels have woken up the automatic ard of the planet.

This snippet shows one of just a fistful other applications of holography in the Star Trek series other than the holodeck.

There is also a german version of this entry on holographie.eu.


Star Trek: TNG - Code of honour

In episode Code of honour of Star Trek: The Next Generation season one an epidemic occurs on planet Styris IV. The Enterprise gets the order flying to planet Ligon II to bargain with sovereignLutan about preciousvaccine, which is only available on his planet. Lutan is that much impressed by Tasha Yar‘s beauty and strength, that he hijacks her.

Tasha Yar shows sovereign Lutan an Aikido fight simulation in the holodeck.

Tasha Yar gives a short explanation about the mechanics of the holodeck, that is been missing at the first use of the holodeck in episode Encounter at Farpoint.

This episode introduces the black-yellow pattern on the walls of the holodeck. This is the appearance of the holodeck, that occurs, when it is not in operation or, as seen in the snippet, the walls are not needed for the projection. The telephone-like programming of the holodeck is quiet unusual and does not appear in any other episode in this way.

There is also a german version of this entry on holographie.eu


The illustrated man

The science-fiction movie The illustrated man from 1969 is based on same-titled novel by Ray Bradbury from 1951. The movie contains three of the novel‘s short stories. One of them is The veldt, which forestalls the idea of generating a virtual world in a room already two, resp. four centuries before the holodeck is used in Star Trek.

Circus worker Carl‘s (Rod Steiger) body is covered all over with illustrations, looking like tattoos on first sight, but beginning to move and giving an observer a glimpse into his own future when being viewed for too long. Searching for the woman illustrating him, Carl meets tramp Willie, who gets nightmarish illusions observing the illustrated body.

In his first vision a family lives in a highly engineered house with a children‘s room transforming the children‘s phantasies into a real world. When their parents one day enter their children‘s room they find themselfs in the middle of an african wilderness surrounded by a herd of hungry lions. They ask a psychiatrist for advice, who takes a look around in the room. After the parents threaten their children locking the room, the children allure them into the room, where the parents get eaten by the lions.

Ray Bradbury is also the author of novel Fahrenheit 451, that is published in 1953 and made into a movie in 1966.

There is also a german version of this entry on holographie.eu


holographie.eu online

As of now holographie.eu is online.

Information about temporal content of the website, current work and future plans can be found under today's latest entry.


Release holographie.eu March 1st 2011

holographie.eu goes online on March 1st 2011 with the following already announced contents:


  • ideas of light (form ancient times to a wave theory of light)
  • wave nature of light (amplitude, wave length, frequency, features: interference / coherence and diffraction)
  • laser


  • Dennis Gábor
  • retrospect
  • mechanics (recording, reconstruction, side effects: orthoscopic and pseudoscopic image)
  • peculiarities (special performances: parallax, redundancy, multiple exposure; underperformances: laboratory conditions, object selection, monochromatic images; va. Photography: lense, depth of focus, film material, resistance, negative image, positive image)


  • motion pictures

At the moment holographie.eu assembles about 100 snippets taken from more than 50 movies, TV series episodes, music clips, that show a reference to holography.

  • Touchable holography

As a dynamic website holographie.eu gets expanded successively to the current standard of knowledge.

blog.holographie.eu, twitter and facebook inform about the release of holographie.eu.
